Os livros abaixo estão disponíveis para consulta pela comunidade acadêmica da Arquitetura e Urbanismo no laboratório InfoArq, mediante agendamento prévio. O InfoArq fica localizado na sala 203, 1º andar, ao lado do elevador. A entrada para o corredor é feita pela porta mais à esquerda.

Livros disponíveis

Acioly, C., & Davidson, F. (1998). Densidade urbana: um instrumento de planejamento e gestão urbana. Mauad.
Alexander, C. (1964). Notes on the synthesis of form. Harvard University Press.
Alexander, C., Neis, H., Anninou, A., & King, I. F. (1987). A New theory of urban design. Oxford University Press.
Alexander, C., Ishikawa, S., & Silverstein, M. (1977). A pattern language: towns, buildings, construction. Oxford University Press.
Bacon, E. N. (1976). Design of cities. Penguin Books.
Bordenave, J. D., & Pereira, A. M. (2004). Estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem. Vozes.
Brail, R., & Klosterman, R. (2001). Planning support systems: integrating geographic information systems, models and visualization tools. ESRI Press.
Bryson, J. (2004). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: a guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. Jossey-Bass.
Bryson, J., Ackermann, F., Eden, C., & Finn, C. (2004). Visible thinking. John Wiley & Sons.
Caldeira, T. P. do R. (2011). Cidade de muros: crime, segregação e cidadania em São Paulo (3. ed). Ed. 34.
Chadwick, G. F. (1978). A systems view of planning : towards a theory of the urban and regional planning process. Pergamon Press.
Chambers, R. (2002). Participatory workshops: a sourcebook of 21 sets of ideas and activities. Earthscan Publications.
Checkland, P., & Scholes, J. (1999). Soft systems methodology: a 30-year retrospective (New ed.). Wiley.
Conzen, M. R. G. (2004). Thinking about urban form: papers on urban morphology, 1932-1998. Peter Lang.
Conzen, M. P. (Ed.). (2010). The making of the American landscape (2nd ed). Routledge.
Crowe, T. D. (2000). Crime prevention through environmental design: applications of architectural design and space management concepts. Butterworth-Heinemann.
Eden, C., & Ackermann, F. (1998). Making strategy: the journey of strategic management. Sage Publications.
Eden, C., & Jones, S. (1983). Messing about in problems: an informal structured approach to their identification and management (1st ed). Pergamon Press.
Faludi, A. (1973). A reader in planning theory (1st ed.). Pergamon Press.
Faludi, A. (1987). A decision-centred view of environmental planning. Pergamon Press.
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Forester, J. (1999). The deliberative practitioner. The MIT Press.
Forester, J. (1989). Planning in the face of power. University of California Press.
Friend, J., & Hickling, A. (2005). Planning under pressure. Elsevier.
Geertman, S., & Stilwell, J. (2003). Planning support systems in practice. Springer.
Gehl, J. (2011). Life between buildings: using public space. Island Press.
Gehl, J., & Gemzoe, L. (2002). Novos espaços urbanos. Editorial Gustavo Gili.
Gonzales, S., Francisconi, J., & Paviani, A. (Eds.). (2013). Planejamento & Urbanismo na atualidade brasileira: objeto, teoria e prática. Livre Expressão.
Hammond, J., Keeney, R., & Raiffa, H. (2004). Decisões inteligentes. Elsevier.
Harris, R. L. (1999). Information graphics: a comprehensive illustrated reference. Oxford University Press.
Harvey, D. (2009). O novo imperialismo. Loyola.
Helmer, O. (1983). Looking forward: a guide to futures research: Vol. 1st. ed. SAGE Publications.
Hillier, B., & Hanson, J. (1984). The social logic of space. Cambridge University Press.
Holanda, F. R. B. de. (2002). O espaço de exceção. Editora UnB.
Hopkins, L. (2001). Urban development: the logic of making plans. Island Press.
Hosack, W. M. (2001). Land develpment calculations. McGraw-Hill.
Juergensmeyer, J. C., & Robert, T. (2003). Land use planning and development regulation law. Thomson West.
Justice, T. (1999). The facilitator’s fieldbook. American Management Association.
Kent, T. (1964). The urban general plan. Chandler.
Krafta, R. (2014). Notas de aula de morfologia urbana. Editora da UFRGS. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265597665_NOTAS_DE_AULA_DE_MORFOLOGIA_URBANA
Leung, H.-L. (2002). Land use planning made plain. University of Toronto Press.
Levy, J. M. (2003). Contemporary urban planning (6th ed). Prentice Hall.
Lowman, J. (2004). Dominando as técnicas de ensino. Atlas.
Lynch, K. (1984). Good city form. The MIT Press.
Maricato, E. (2001). Brasil, cidades: alternativas para a crise urbana. Vozes.
Meyerson, M., & Banfield, E. (1964). Politics, planning and the public interest. Free Press.
Molina, A. G.-P. (2013). O que é Criminologia? Editora Revista dos Tribunais.
Myers, D. (1992). Analysis with local census data: portraits of change. Academic Press.
Nalini, J. R. (2012). Direitos que a cidade esqueceu. Editora Revista dos Tribunais.
Netto, V. M. (2014). Espaço & Sociedade: as tramas da prática e seus espaços. Sulina.